Thursday, May 28, 2009


putting up that piece about TK reminded me that i have some unfinished business. so i'm really late, but one of my best friends, hooked up his skateboard. i mean, this is art, and it's sport, but i guess the sport can be an art too. anyways, shouts to Brandon "B. Rob" Robinson.

Check it out on the way down.

i think it's pretty damn good.

Tea's Gone.

MUSIC: Christian Rich

so i was watching mtvU, when i saw this video with men in animal masks. the song is stuck in my head, and honestly, i don't want to just say that it's catchy, because i think it should get a little more credit than that. in the almost-six-hours since i first heard/saw it on the tele, i might even say that it's a good song (not like i'm the pretentious, self-proclaimed, all-knowing music critic that i sound like, but hey, we're all critics to some extent, right?). Here's Christian Rich's Famous Girl.
...btw, i actually bought it from itunes because i couldnt find it on limewire fast enough. we'll talk about that later, but their album cover for the single is SICK!!!! i'll give you guy's a link so you can hear more of their stuff.


Check 'em out on the way down.

Tea's Gone.


Artist Ron English, who was behind the Abraham-Obama-hybrid picture seen by many during the historic election, is at it again. This time, he's teamed up with Hobby Master's Rommel Chua, and made a 3ft. "McSupersized" figure, clearly inspired by McDonald's own fast-food clown. Apparently, this thing is $2000 retail, but it's pretty clever, isn't it? Too bad there's only 30 of em.

Damn. If only I had room for this thing in my house.

Photos via Hypebeast

Tea's Gone.

Interview: TK Has His Hands Full

some of you have been following the 20-something year old Terry Kennedy. the pro skater out of Cali has generated a buzz (an understatement) for years, and after parting ways with Sir Skateboard P., he has teamed up with Supra and released the Supra TK Society a couple weekends ago. has the grey one's backordered, but if you can wait, and haven't spent all of your summer savings, click here in three months, if you can remember. here's his two cents on Supra, Ice Cream, and Mr. West's Air Yeezy's.

Check it out on the way down.

Video via Complex.

Tea's Gone.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


i am swamped with a massive amount of project. will be back soon.

Stay Tuned!

Tea's Gone.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

ART i've been extremely lazy since i've been out of school. well, not exactly. i've been unpacking things for the past week, and i can finally see the light [colored carpet in my bedroom]. i started putting up some of my drawings from this year.

check 'em out on the way down

shouts to pikachu.

Tea's Gone.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

ART (again...)

so my homegirl Rushelle tried to comment on one of my ART posts with a picture by this artist named Julian Beever. as soon as i saw this, i was compelled to put it up. i'm gonna look into thsi beever guy, and i suggest that you guys do the same, if you dont know him already.

Check it out on the way down.

thanks again, Rushelle :)

Tea's Gone.


i have some sea crystals on the way. no pics yet, but i have a pic from FLIGHTCLUB so that you guys know what i'm talking about.

check it out on the way down.
Tea's Gone.


as i was procrastinating my ass off, i came across some artwork from an artist that goes by the name of japanese painter and graphic artist Que Houxo. this collection is called the Existence of Light. you can see more of his stuff here, however, you can see pieces from the EOL on the way down.

Check 'em out

sick, aren't they?

photos via Hypebeast

Tea's Gone.

Hefner Down for the Brown?

Last Saturday, Playboy was graced with their first African-Born Playmate of the Year. Click the link for a little background info on the rich tradition.

27 year-old "Tanzanian" model Ida Ljungqvist was named Playmate of the Year on May 2nd, 2009.
As Playmate of the Year, she receives $100,000 in prize money, a brand-spanking-new Mazda, and a bottle of Patron (jealous? a little bit.) The luncheon was the first to be held outside of the Playboy Mansion, and as I knock three times on my wooden desk, one must wonder when the first luncheon will be held withough (gasp) Hugh Hefner (end gasp).

Now this raises a few points one point, actually. Why must models, entertainers, and other celebrities be seen as "Tanzanian, African-American, or Asian whatevers? We're all human beings here, and the prefix shouldn't take away any attention from their accomplishments.

Here's a short clip about last weekend's festivities.

Check it out on the way down.

info via Wikipedia & Entertainment Newswire
video via YouTube

Tea's Gone.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


here are my top 5 throwbacks of the week.

Check 'em out on the way down.



p.s. Shyne is coming out soon...



and the number one song is.....

i hope that you all enjoyed today's Throwback Thursday.

Tea's Gone.

RETURN: A Recap Of Last Weekend

after a brief hiatus, i'm back with some pics from last friday's Classy Ball @ F&M.

Check 'em out on the way down.

a portion of the team. NBB!

DJ GRAVY getting the party live!

the DJ BOOTH...

...the end of one of the best parties F&M has ever seen. now we out to the afterparty!!!

Tea's Gone.

Monday, May 4, 2009


this weekend has been long and cumbersome. as soon as i get this work done, i will return with pics from this weekend, as well as new exclusives.

Tea's Gone.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Bulls/Celtics series

this is one of the best series i've seen in a long time.

is it me, or do i feel a little bit of a bandwagoning here? i went on facebook last night after the win, and there were a whole lot of people cheering, "GO BULLS" or, "GO ROSE" or something like that. truth be told, half of y'all were rooting for the celtics last year.


with all that aside, here's a clip of Joakim Noah posterizing Paul Pierce. DIRTY!

Check it out on your way down.

Tea's Gone.

Diseases me, my roommate and my hallmate go out for sandwiches @ 3:30 in the morning. my hallmate split up with us because he wanted to go pick up some jerky. we went into the store, and placed my order on one of those computer mens. since i had a special request, i had to go up to the cook. i told the cook, "BBQ sauce, please?" she didn't respond, but i then continued by saying, "thank you very much." she looked at me and said, "EXCUSE ME?" I repeated my act of gratitude, and she replied, "excuse me that i'm a white woman, excuse me that my father worked hard." my alarm went off. i didn't even make a statement that would even incite such a comment. then the manager came because he heard shouting. even though i did nothing wrong, i felt like i was in trouble. i then talked with the manager and said that all i said was thank you, because not only do i understand that she was doing me a service in the middle of the night, i acknowledged the fact that she is a human being, and that all people should be acknowledged in those situations. he then told me that they had a great amount of drunk people in their store. i thought to myself, that's no excuse, but i digress. my roommate and i then got our food, and said, "thank you very much."

my hallmate was at the store waiting for me and my roommate. he was hanging out with these two dudes. i went inside to go get a bev, because i honestly didn't want to buy it in the other store after that whole fiasco (plus, their price was cheaper). my roommate said, "why do i feel like they're trying to OD?" i thought the same thing, but i didn't know whether or not it was me being influenced by society portraying two minorities in baggy clothing and hoodies as suspect. who exactly is granted the power to judge someone's character anyway? who can deem someone else at face value as good-natured, or up to no good?

after all, i was wearing a hoodie too....

after i bought my soda, we left the store, and told the guys to have a good night. i felt them following us, but i didn't know why. they asked my hallmate for something that he bought, i don't remember what it was tho, but then they were on their merry way. as we were coming back to campus we actually crossed face. weird.

everyone is obsessed with getting involved with things that are bigger than them. a group in my high school sold bracelets to raise money and awareness to the events in darfur. my college's soccer team went to africa to raise awareness for HIV/AIDS. it's not that i don't think that these actions are remarkable, its just that i don't see anyone flying into the parking lot of POLO to cure the sales associate of his symptoms: following me around the store, instead of asking me if i need assistance.

let's raise awareness for a disease that often gets glossed over: racism.

it pisses me off, because this virus doesn't have to spread the way that it is. fuck, it shouldn't even exist, especially in these levels of academia. it affects people lives. people's lives actually are affected by this. i mean, i'm not mad at the lady for spazzing at me. i'm pissed at her choice of actions, but it's not her fault. she didn't come out of the womb like that. either she was born and raised into that certain environment, or she was involved with an incident that has changed her opinions and beliefs. people actually got killed because of the racism virus. lynchings, shootings, rodney king and emmett till are some of the most noteworthy individuals affected by the sickness. i call racism a sickness because it is not a part of the original makeup of the human being, but rather, a mutation that has taken over mainstream ideologies.

all of these preconceived notions come from a level of misunderstanding. we all need to be accountable. no more racism. no more.

...on another note, i believe my boy Kadeem Cooper (UVA '10) is goinng to be on jeopardy next week, tuesday, may 5th. check your local listings and show some love.

Tea's Gone.